On-Pin Analytics enables you to track individual player movements. This presents a unique opportunity. There is a wealth of data available to help you operate your golf course.
The data is passively collected and the golfer isn’t inconvenienced by any change of procedures.
What we are finding is that tee sheet data is significantly different to the actual activity on the golf course. For the first time collect and analyse data on;
- Live Pace of Play
- Individual Member Habits
- Unauthorised Players
- Actual Course Utilisation
- Detailed Historical Data
Answer questions like;
- How many of my 5-day playing members are actually on the course outside of their rights?
- What is the average pace of play for my 7:35am tee slot on a Wednesday vs Friday?
- Equally – which players are continually causing slow pace of play on those days?
- How many of our visitors are authorised to play?
- When can I fit in a 9-hole competition without disturbing pace and the normal flow of the course?
- Which players are not getting value for their membership, and I should be reaching out to them to discuss options?
In fact – we can ask any question that you can dream of. Your data is yours.