On-Pin’s Verifeye system is a full cloud-based solution. Golfers use passive golf-bag RFID tags as they play golf and are tracked as they pass discreet readers on the course. This enables us to;
- Track the individual
- Their habits
- Live position and projected finish
- Pace of play
A live Verifeye dashboard provides all relevant information so the user can see how the current pace, traffic and arrangement is on course at any given time.
As pace issues arise, groups and individuals fall into yellow and then red categories. For further detail, our GAP report provides live, accurate information on every group, their pace of play and projected location meaning you can act fast.
All of this happens without disturbing the golfer.
The golfer enjoys a round of golf as per usual, with the knowledge that other golfers are monitored too. There are no batteries, and no cumbersome hand-out and collection procedures.

Pace of Play
Average Pace of Play improved by 21 minutes after implementation of Verifeye.

The GAP report shows current or completed rounds with all data about how fast/slow the groups are playing around the golf course. The data that is collected consists of:
- Member/visitor name
- Tee time
- Actual pace of play
- Round history
This data allows the marshal or Proshop staff to quickly determine where the issue on course and have it corrected immediately – all accessible via the web-based interface.
Verifeye makes it easier than ever before to truly understand all activity on the golf course.